${Swipe left to hide, right to show again}
${Tap on the slider button to modify brush settings}
${Tap on the edit button to modify brush settings}
${Swap between opaque, darkening and brightening mode}
${In Pro mode, you have access to multiple variations of each tool}
${Modifies the influence of the paper texture on the stroke.}
${Changes from fat pastel to dry pastel.}
${Colors mixes together when painting until you tap the dry button.}
${Each tool reacts differently depending on what paper you draw}
${Le Grand Bloc}
${Fill in an outline in one touch}
${Fill large areas by drawing a simple outline}
${Draw with an applied pattern}
${Modify pattern opacity and scale}
${Select a shape. Move, rotate and scale it}
${Swipe to draw a gradient}
${Select a font, type text.}
${Move, rotate and scale it}
${Lock layer transparency to only draw in existing brushstrokes}
${Draw an outline to select it}
${Tap drawing to select all}
${Drag to move selection}
${Use two fingers to duplicate}
${Pinch to resize}
${Each selection is copied and can be pasted into another app}
${Tap color swatch to open}
${Tap "+" or "-" to add or remove colors}
${Long press on color swatch to edit.}
${Tap the slider icon to enter RVB values or Hex number}
${Blend the 2 current colors and choose the shade you like}
${Long press on color swatch to edit.}
${Keep the color bar open}
Save, load and share color palettes
${Long press on canvas to pick an existing color}
${Use the current tool as an eraser}
${Double tap on eraser}
${Slow is small, Fast is big}
${Tap in your wet stroke to create a watercolor mark}
${Add water to your wet ink}
${The ink stays wet and colors blends together until you tap the dry button}
${Use the ruler to draw straight lines with any tool}
${Blend strokes together}