${Helps you draw beautiful portraits} / available in Sketches
${Draw straight lines between two positions}
${Hold the end of a stroke to draw a straight line}
${Drag to move}
${Rotate with two fingers}
${Drag handle to rotate}
${Helps you easily draw straight lines}
${Drag to move}
${Pinch to scale}
${Rotate with two fingers}
${Drag the line to modify the ellipse shape}
${Drag the handles to move the curve}
${Drag the cross to change the curve's shape}
${to modify the shape of the curve}
${Drag to move}
${Pinch to scale}
${Rotate with two fingers}
${Brush strokes follow the line}
${Brush strokes are only allowed over the line.}
${Brush strokes are only allowed under the line}
${Brush strokes follow the line}
${Brush strokes are only allowed inside the shape}
${Brush strokes are only allowed outside the shape}