To illustrate the blend between application and internet in a paper,
I develloped concepts of a few widgets to put on your desktop.
They take advantage of both sides, like drag and drop, file management, backgroud activity and permanent access to internet.
I also try to implement new shapes that illustrate the freedom gained out of the browser.
Flickr pictures displays your favorites or friends pictures.
It also allows you a direct access to the full image by ck-licking on its icon.
A Yousendit drop box, create as many dropbox as contact you want.
The same idea can work for a lot of other services and even for email of chat.
On the other side, the Yousendit Inbox download for you the files you have received and tells you when they are ready.
The ebaywath, track all your ibay items in realtime.
A more compact display with fewer items.
A more compact display with fewer information.
the Facebook desktop widget track for you know what’s going on in your facebook account in realtime.
A simple remote for Deezer.
Type the name of an artist and that’s it.
You can also create and update your smart radios.
Also for
Choose a playslist or start a new one, hit play and that’s it.
You can create, save and update your playlists and dowload songs to.
A flickr drop box.
Always available on your desktop, just choose which set you want to drop your pictures and go.